Breathing Optimisation
Breathing Optimisation aims to increase your lung function, improve your wellbeing, enhance your performance, and build your confidence.

One of the most fundamental and basic bodily processes is breathing, yet when it comes to health, it rarely receives the attention it deserves. Our expert physiotherapists use the BradCliff breathing method to assess and tailor a program to your needs.
We help clients with long-standing conditions such as asthma or COPD and those suffering from chronic chest infections or long covid. We also assist clients to improve the quality of their sleep, manage anxiety and stress-related conditions and optimise athletic performance.
What is Disordered Breathing?
Disordered breathing can occur because of physical changes in the lungs (i.e. COPD, bronchiectasis, post-surgery), or due to a change in your natural pattern of breathing.
Typical symptoms include:
Feeling of air hunger at rest or during movement/sport
Disturbed sleep
Feeling anxious and uptight
Sore neck shoulders and back
Frequent sighing and yawning
Breathing discomfort*
Disturbed sleep
Erratic heartbeats*
Pins and needles
Upset gut/nausea
Clammy hands
Chest pains*
Shattered confidence
Achy muscles and joints
Dizzy spells* or feeling spaced out
Irritability or hypervigilance
*Check with your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms.

We can help those with:
Cardiovascular disease
Recurrent chest infections
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Breathing pattern disorders, including hyperventilation
Long Covid
Depression and anxiety
Chronic back and neck pain
Postural concerns
Clients who are looking to improve their fitness or performance